National Adults
Thinking about your own retirement, do you think you will be or are more comfortable, less comfortable, or about as comfortable as previous generations were in their retirement?
More comfortable Less comfortable About as comfortable
Row % Row % Row %
National Adults 22% 44% 33%
Generation Millennials 20% 48% 32%
Gen X 23% 44% 32%
Baby Boomers 14% 54% 32%
Silent-Greatest 39% 23% 37%
Age Under 45 22% 46% 32%
45 or older 23% 43% 34%
Region Northeast 22% 51% 27%
Midwest 22% 51% 27%
South 24% 38% 38%
West 21% 42% 37%
Gender Men 23% 45% 32%
Women 22% 44% 34%
Race White 23% 46% 31%
Non-white 23% 40% 36%
Education Not college graduate 18% 49% 33%
College graduate 29% 36% 35%
Household Income Less than $50,000 21% 48% 31%
$50,000 or more 26% 40% 34%
Households with children under 18 Household with children 23% 48% 29%
No children in household 22% 42% 36%
Interview Type Landline 22% 45% 33%
Cell Phone 24% 43% 32%
Marist Poll National Adults: Interviews conducted December 2nd through 8th, 2010, N=1029 MOE +/- 3%. Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.